
A beautiful country:

Finland is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote countries. About one-third of its land lies north of the Arctic Circle. The country is heavily forested, with thousands of lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive marshland. It forms a symbolic northern border between western and eastern Europe.

Geographical Facts:

-Finland is a country located in Northern Europe.
-It is bordered by Sweden to the west, Norway to the north, Russia to the east, and the Baltic Sea to the south.

Capital and Cities:

-The capital of Finland is Helsinki.
Other major cities include Tampere, Turku, and Oulu.

Language and Culture:

-Finnish and Swedish are the official languages.
The country is known for its rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and design.

Education and Innovation:

-Finland is renowned for its high-quality education system.
-It is a global leader in innovation and technology.

Natural Beauty:

-Finland is famous for its stunning landscapes, including thousands of lakes, dense forests, and the magical Northern Lights.
-The country is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering activities like hiking, skiing, and sauna bathing.

Image Taken from: El País

Written by: Juan David Gutierrez Sierra


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